jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

Relationship between historic building information modeling and conventional valuation approaches for managing cultural heritage sites and its impact on tourism

In this study, a methodology for quantifying the historical value of the Cathedral of Christ the King, in the municipality of Huejutla de Reyes, Hidalgo, Mexico, was developed through the application of historic building information modeling (HBIM) and conventional valuation methods. Despite many studies having been undertaken around the world, there remains a shortfall in our knowledge in that elucidating and unifying the relationship between HBIM and valuation is still difficult. HBIM facilitated the automatic and accurate quantification of the amount of materials used to build the cathedral. A significant finding was that the use of HBIM enables a valuation to be obtained immediately. Another finding is that a strong relationship exists between tourism and cultural heritage. While the results must be regarded as being exploratory, they provide interesting insights into the synergy between HBIM and historical valuation. Another critical point is that this is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study to link HBIM with a valuation.

viernes, 28 de junio de 2019


In this study, a methodology for quantifying the historical value of the Cathedral of Christ the King, in the municipality of Huejutla de Reyes, Hidalgo, Mexico, was developed through application of historic building information modeling (HBIM) and conventional valuation methods. Despite many studies having been undertaken around the world, there remains a gap in that elucidating and unifying the relationship between HBIM and valuation is still difficult. The methodology developed in this study combined and used information captured via a Leica ScanStation C10 laser scanner, a drone, and a 360° camera. Various software programs were then used to combine the images with the scan data. HBIM facilitated automatic and accurate quantification of the amount of materials used to build the cathedral. A significant finding was that the use of HBIM enables a valuation to be obtained immediately. While the results must be regarded as being exploratory, they provide interesting insights into the synergy between HBIM and historical valuation. Another critical point is that this is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study to link HBIM with a valuation.

martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

IGLC 23 Global Problems- Global Solutions. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. , Perth, Australia.


The International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) is a network of professionals and researchers in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) who feel that AEC has to be radically renewed in order to respond to the challenges head. The goal is to increase stakeholder value, decrease the huge amount of waste currently present in design and construction activities and to generally improve the performance of the construction industry. New principles and methods developed by the group are based on lean production theory adapted to the construction sector. The IGLC webpage (http://www.iglc.net) presents more information as papers from all previous conferences. The venue of the conference has been alternating between South America, North America, Europe and Asia/Oceania. The 23rd IGLC Conference is the third IGLC to be held in Australia. This year, IGLC is organized together with various other related events. The combined name of all the events is Construct15. Construct15 will bring in a large number of industry practitioners and academics who will also be exposed to the IGLC conference. 85 papers from 17 countries are published in these proceedings, a lower volume than in previous conferences but a great result considering that Perth is a long distance from most of the authors. The papers are organized in 14 tracks which are the same as in previous years although a few tracks (3) did not get any accepted submissions. Table 1 shows the number of abstracts and papers submitted and papers accepted for each track. Production Planning and Control (21 papers) continues to be the largest track, followed by People, Culture and Change (10 papers). BIM and Lean had the same number of papers as last year (7 papers) which may be a sign of its increasing importance to the lean community. IGLC’s are meant for both academics and practitioners and we continue the tradition of including industry papers which may not have the traditional structure of research papers or use scientific methods to support conclusions. Industry papers may present interesting case studies and can be sources of new knowledge, ideas and discussion in the conference. In IGLC 23, the number of industry papers was 5 which is down from IGLC 22 (20 industry papers). This decrease may be partly due to industry collaborating more with academics with practitioner and academic authors in one paper. Industry papers are included within their track in presentation sequence but have a note “Industry Paper” in their header. In this year’s proceedings we will also publish papers presented in the poster session (13 papers). These papers are intended as additional information for interesting posters. However, the poster papers were selected from borderline papers so they usually represent premature research with future potential in the lean construction space.

IGLC 23 Global Problems- Global Solutions.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019


La industria de la Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Construcción (AEC), pareciera estar muy alejada de los temas valuatorios y, sobre todo, de temas de índole histórico y cultural, pero no es así. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es desarrollar un método que permita conocer el valor de la Catedral De Cristo Rey en la Ciudad De Huejutla De Reyes, Hidalgo, y establecer un precedente para la valuación de otros bienes históricos mediante los enfoques valuatorios actualmente vigentes y la metodología del Building Information Modeling (BIM).

Esta investigación permitirá dilucidar y revalorizar la Catedral De Cristo Rey En La Ciudad De Huejutla De Reyes, Hidalgo, México. Diversas instituciones públicas y privadas podrán tomar decisiones de índole mayúsculo sobre la edificación y otros agentes podrán beneficiarse con el resultado que puede ser detonante en el turismo de la región.
Algunos de los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación son:
  • Conocer el valor histórico de la Catedral de Cristo Rey,
  • Comprobar la relación entre la valuación y la metodología BIM,
  • Conocer los beneficios que se obtienen mediante la sinergia de la ciencia valuatoria y la metodología BIM,
  • Identificar los factores (cuantitativos y/o cualitativos) que aportan y/o restan valor a la Catedral.

La importancia de esta investigación radica en ser el primer trabajo realizado con el uso de BIM para obtener el valor histórico de un monumento, en el estado y, si vamos más lejos, en el país. Si bien se habían implementado tecnologías para digitalizar monumentos, no se contaba con un trabajo que conectara, como se mencionó anteriormente, los enfoques valuatorios actualmente vigentes y la metodología del Building Information Modeling (BIM).

No podemos dejar de lado la importancia que tendría esta investigación con el fin de proponer a Huejutla de Reyes, Hidalgo como Pueblo Mágico. Y demás proyectos que surjan a partir de esta investigación: planes urbanos, reglamentos, estrategias de planeación turística. Los cuales están en proceso de planeación. Teniendo como base un sustento, firme y aterrizado, sobre lo que se pretende alcanzar.


martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Catedral de Cristo Rey.

Los árboles, talados, eran bienes inmuebles y formaban parte de un monumento histórico, catalogado, como es la Catedral de Cristo Rey. Independientemente, de las fallas estructurales que pudieran presentarse, dicha acción debió haber sido supervisada por las instancias que velan por el patrimonio cultural de México. Entiendo que todos tengamos una visión diferente, pero la identidad de un grupo cultural es un elemento de carácter inmaterial, que ha sido obra de una construcción colectiva; en este sentido, está asociado a la historia y a la memoria de los pueblos. La tala de los árboles NO es una "remodelación", ni siquiera una intervención. Por otro lado, las "remodelaciones" realizadas, hace algunos años, a la Catedral de Cristo Rey, debieron conservar la esencia de los materiales originales del monumento: pisos, madera, piedra. Estamos hablando de un monumento del siglo XVI que se ha visto afectado de forma severa. Es de vital importancia no dejar de lado nuestra verdadera esencia, nuestro sentido de ser, nuestro origen, nuestra historia, nuestro sentido de pertenencia. La pérdida de identidad de un pueblo incide directamente con la falta de arraigo y por tanto con el abandono de los pueblos.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Encuesta // Survey

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